
To see a list of approved variances and disapproved variance requests, click here. Any discrepancies should be reported to the board.

Requesting a Variance to the Covenants

The Covenants of Wildwood Village are strictly enforced. It is the intention of the current Board of Directors and of all previous Boards to keep covenant variances to an extreme minimum, only granting them in highly unusual circumstances and only after several years of good stewardship of the land have been demonstrated by the requesting party.

To request a variance, download the Variance Request Form , briefly describe your request, obtain the signatures of each property owner whose property adjoins yours (including across roads), and return the form to the Board at WWVHA, PO Box 88025, Black Forest, CO 80908. If you do not know your lot number or do not know which properties adjoin yours, please refer to the plat map link at the left of this page.

Once the request has been received, several members of the Board will visit your property to discuss the request and to inspect the property so that the request can be fully understood. The Board will meet to discuss your request and will inform you in writing of their decision.

A sample variance that was approved by the Board is available for your inspection. A letter describing as many details about how your variance will not disturb your neighbors and will not degrade property values will be helpful to getting your variance through the Board. Details such as those addressed in the sample variance are good starts.

Please note that the Board shall have final discretion when granting or denying variances. The fact that all neighbors have agreed to the variance will carry strong weight, but will not guarantee approval. The Board considers not only neighbor approval, but longer term, wider issues and precedents during the approval process. Additionally, the fact that a neighbor disapproves of a variance request will not necessarily result in denial. The Board recognizes that in many cases there are long-standing disagreements between neighbors that could result in disapproval regardless of the issue. However, when the Board receives a variance request with any neighbor disapprovals, it will delve very deeply into the reasons behind the disapproval.

Please realize that the above Board policy is just that: policy. It fleshes out the procedures for variance approval laid down by the Covenants in Article III Paragraph 3.

Should you have questions about this procedure, please contact the architectural chair (for real property variances) or the environmental chair (for other issues), or other Board members at the numbers posted in the "Contact Us" list.