Contact Us

The Board of Directors serving the Wildwood Village HOA community. Please feel free to contact any board member with any questions, suggestions, or concerns. Current term of service May 2024 - May 2026.


Matthew Weir


Vice President

Dan Reed


Environmental Committee: Wildwood Village is a wonderful community with great residents and even better neighbors. But even neighbors have their differences from time to time. When you find yourself in a difficult situation with a neighbor who is not following the community guidelines, send us an email and let us help bridge the divide.

Treasurer: Email me if you are buying or selling your home in Wildwood Village, I will make sure your title company has an up-to-date record of your dues so your closing goes smoothly.

Nicollette Gordon

Architectural Committe: Planning to build a structure or upgrade your existing structures or fencing? Send us an email. We can walk you or your builder through the covenants of the Wildwood Village community.

Firewise Committe: Wildwood Village is a Firewise community dedicated to mitigating the risk of fires at the local level. The Firewise USA® recognition program is administered by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and provides a collaborative framework to help neighbors in a geographic area get organized, find direction, and take action to increase the ignition resistance of their homes and community and to reduce wildfire risks. Firewise Communities - Ready for Wildfire 

Lee Tripp